Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Brucefest BBQ

This would be the right moment
for "Higher Ground" by Winwood
I feel sacreligious saying so, but whatever hippy sausages they have in Denver, they're honestly better than the brats you can get in Milwaukee. With The Bruce at the controls, tonight's barbecue featured some seriously amazing bratwurst, not to mention some lawn games, bad Brewers baseball (but a win, so I guess that's something), and visits from various friends in the Bruceosphere.

Tonight's observations:

1. It appears Michigan Left and The Mechanic have become supreme rulers of the cribbage universe.
2. Road Rage is terrible at croquet, just as he was back in fourth grade -- the last time he played.
3. Babies are fabulous conversation centerpieces.
4. Second Half, who will be joining us on tomorrow's RV trip back home, could potentially develop a career as a tightrope walker.
5. Previously mentioned Janella, whose named I spelled wrong in a previous post when she graciously saved me from watching Harry Potter, shall hereby be named Janella "Woman on Wire" Smith, since she REALLY has a career as a tightrope walker waiting for her. Some of the extended Fritzsche family has a knack for such things and brought a cable to the BBQ, attached it between two trees and demonstrated their inner Flying Wallenda. It's not weird. It's Colorado.

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